Our Team

Dr. Hillary B. Mower

Chiropractic Physician & Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing

Dr. Hillary B. Mower, a practicing chiropractor for over 20 years, and practicing in Gaffney since 2003, and practicing Functional Nutrition/ Nutrition Response Testing for over 11 years, grew up in Syracuse, New York. Syracuse, like Gaffney has beautiful countryside and cows, and good people!

She received her bachelor’s degree from Skidmore College with a degree in Psychology and minors in English and philosophy. Her first love was psychology, and she indirectly uses this degree on a daily basis working with her patients. She also has a creative edge, loves writing, nature and most forms of art and music. After years of unresolved back pain, feeling unheard, misunderstood, overlooked and being treated by heavy medications since the age of 15, she sought out anything to receive help for her pain. She went to a ‘quack’- aka a chiropractor- and for the first time since she was 14 years old, was out of pain after two weeks of treatment. She was amazed, and disappointed that her medical doctors had dissuaded her from chiropractic before. Her medical doctor called chiropractors, ‘Neanderthals’ after she proudly told him that she was finally out of pain and that the drugs had never helped. At 21 years old, she told him, ‘I think she (her chiropractor) got to the source of the problem instead of trying to cover it up”.

She was so impressed when her back pain and dysfunction completely resolved after 6 visits in 2 weeks, and that she felt so much better overall in places she didn’t even realize were bothering her, she returned to school for pre-med pre-requisites and applied to New York Chiropractic College against all odds: with her creative brain, school was always a challenge for her. After years of practice and highly successful results she realized something was missing and that so many people were being diagnosed with conditions never diagnosed before. She discovered the merits of nutrition as the foundation of all health.

Dr. Mower then embarked on her next mission of completing Basic and Intermediate Designed Clinical Nutrition Training with an emphasis on Nutrition Response Testing and graduated from Modules I-III in Advanced Clinical Training January 14, 2012, and completed her Advanced Clinical Training (ACTS) in 2013, which she has seen can handle just about anything. She loves helping people ‘get themselves back’ and helping to assist them to safely reduce or eliminate medication with the assistance of their M.Ds. ‘When I see my patient come into my doors smiling and noticeably feeling better, I know I’ve done my job”, states Dr. Hillary.

She has been an active community member wherever she has lived since volunteering, even as a child. In her adult life she has served on committees and boards including the Cherokee county YMCA and won Career Woman of the Year in 2012 from the Gaffney Business and Professional Women’s Club.  Her main civic attention is to animal welfare and has been involved for over 29 years. She formerly had Ark Angels Rescue, LLC and currently works with the non-profit Pet Angel Fund with her local subsidiary Jarhead Kitty Rescue she started, that helps dogs and other critters too! She advocates spay, neuter, adoption wherever she goes. Dr. Mower has spoken up to both the city and county councils primarily on animal welfare issues, used to be on Channel 7 for The Pet of the Week, and is not afraid to tell the truth about most anything.

Dr. Mower cares about her patients, her community, and animals, and is the mom of 4 dogs and 7 rescue kitties. Her main goal in her office is to provide hope to her patients that have tried everything, and for her patients to get results!

Jeanne Jones

Right Hand Woman, Homesteader & DIY Healthy Foods/Products

Jeanne Jones, a newer resident to Gaffney, South Carolina, is formerly from Gaylord, Michigan, where she was initially introduced to Nutrition Response Testing. She experienced health improvements with NRT for herself, her family, and her friends. Jeanne is also an avid homesteader, having her own bees for honey, chickens and eggs, gardens with vegetable and herb harvests, and makes her own salves among other things. You should see her amazing reels on FB (JeffJeanne Jones)! Now she is integrating Young Living essential oils and products, and is constantly learning how to help her family and others’ health naturally.

After moving to the Carolinas, she came across Dr. Hillary Mower’s office. Jeanne started out as a patient, and now is honored to be a part of the Creative Chiropractic and Wellness team, running the front desk and assisting patients. She loves helping and educating patients on their health journeys and seeing them ‘thriving, not just surviving’. As Jeanne states, “You get to the point where you get sick of being sick, and you just need to find another method. You don’t want to just ‘mask’ the problem, but rather get to the root cause. I personally attest to Nutrition Response Testing making a difference in my life. While the other NRT doctors I saw were very good, I was pleasantly surprised to find exponentially more improvement with Dr. Hillary, and I can say I honestly truly appreciate it! I look forward to serving you.”